Thursday 17 October 2013

Green Tea Ice cream... Yummy!

Today i would like to share an ice cream recipe which i saw on Facebook. This simple recipe is from Aeri's Kitchen . She made this recipe for those who don't have an ice cream maker at home (haha.. i'm one of them). You only need to use milk, heavy cream, sugar, egg yolks & green tea powder ( i guess you can change to use other flavor - coffee or chocolate perhaps? ) Plus point, she boils the egg yolks under low heat so its safer for consumption.

The texture of the ice cream is harder than the store bought type but i really loves the taste of this ice cream - it has a mild milky taste and nice green tea flavor.

Do give this recipe a try if you like ice cream - it's a healthier choice and delicious too!

(Aeri shares lots of Korean recipes on her blog.)

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