Thursday 16 October 2014

a T-Shirt Dress

I bought a knit fabric some time ago (the stripey blue one) and don't know what to do with them. So it sits in my stash until one day, i finally got an idea - an easy one. Make them into a dress - well, sort of. I got this plain sleeveless tee and the stripey knits will be the dress.

Materials: plain tee & knit fabric

First, cut the fabric into 4 long strips (i roughly estimate the length of the dress i want and cut accordingly). Then, place 1 strip of the fabric at the bottom of the tee-shirt and fold pleats. Pin it and sew (as shown in the picture below).

 Do the same for the back side of the tee shirt. Then trim any extras at the side and sew them together.

Trim the sides and sew together

Now, for the upper pleats. I measure 2 inch from the bottom pleats and drew a line as my marking. Check to make sure that both the front and back line matches.

Draw a marking for the upper pleats

As with the bottom pleats, place the knit fabric on the line marking and fold the pleats. Pin and sew.

Pin and sew the upper pleats

This is how it should looks like after sewing the upper pleats. Trim the sides and sew them together. (I have not trim the sides for the picture below)

Using some leftovers, i cut a long strips and did some ruffles to make a little flower for the top. =)

And here's a picture of little Jay wearing  it on a trip to Sekinchan recently :)

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