Tuesday 16 April 2013

Shanghai 2013 ~ Day 7 & Day 8

Day 7 (26.03.2013) Hangzhou

It's cruising the Xihu Lake again this morning. This time, we are dropped off at another side of the lake and visited the Flower Harbor Park (Huagang Guanyu). The main attractions here are viewing the carp fish and a stone inscriptions by Emperor Kang Xi which reads 'Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor'. Apparently, the Chinese character 'fish' word had one stroke "less". There's a story to it but i don't quite remember it. Oh, forget the story, just enjoy the beauty of the park and all those lush greenery.

Did you spot the 'Fish' word?

Next on the list is a tea house selling Long Jing tea.  Hangzhou is famous for this low-land tea. The tea leaves are planted on lower land and not highlands as for other tea leaves. It is said that drinking too much tea from the highlands can be too 'cooling' to the body. But Long Jing is from lower land thus, even with everyday consumption, it will not be too cooling. Long Jing tea is the most well known tea produced in China - they are said to contain the highest concentrations of polyphenols  among all teas.

Long Jing Tea Plantation

Big Ray at the restaurant - Nice drawing

The last place in our itinerary - Hefang Street. Another street that sells locals snacks, handicrafts, souvenirs etc. Snapshots below  :)

Hefang Street

I guess this would be a restaurant?

Big Ray sitting on a bronze chair

Big Ray with the Happy Buddha

Well, as it was still very early our tour guide cum bus driver -  Li Sifu brought us to another park nearby the restaurant where we are going to have our dinner. So we spend some time 'lepaking' around but could not last long because most of us are turning into 'ais krim potong' (popsicle). In the end, we got back to the bus and had our dinner at 5pm. Nevertheless, my sister got to snap some nice pictures.

Little Jay having her supper back at the hotel

Day 8 (27.03.2013) Hangzhou ~ KL

Time flies. It's the day for us to go home. Guess what i saw early in the morning? A lorry ferrying loads of  'piggies'. I don't see that back home.

Piggies on the ride

And these houses, according to Li Sifu, the people here are mostly farmers and quite rich too so they actually build their own house. Each block belongs to a family - that's means 3 or 4 people staying in a 3 storey house! ( China still practice the 1 child policy - the most they have 2 child)

Pretty little canola flowers along the highways

At the Hangzhou International Airport.

Some snapshots taken from the plane.

Bye Bye China!
It was a nice and memorable trip especially with my 2 girls around. They do have me screaming my head out sometimes but also gave me lots of laughter and happiness. And what do i miss the most from this trip? The flowers!

Hope to see them again in the future. Ciao!

Shanghai 2013 - Day 1 & Day 2
Shanghai 2013 - Day 3 & Day 4
Shanghai 2013 - Day 5 & Day 6

Shanghai 2013 ~ Day 5 & Day 6

Day 5 (24.03.2013) Shanghai

As it was raining last night, the weather has got colder in the morning. Both gals are wearing 2 shirts, a sweater and a jacket - don't they look plump? =P
The first destination today is a Chinese Medical Hall - Tong Ren Tang. As usual, we are brought to a room and some chinese medicine practitioner will come and talk about the history (and greatness) of Chinese Medicine. Then of course, each of us will get a doctor to check your palm and pulse - and suddenly you realised that you have something wrong somewhere. But surprisingly, the doctor that check on me had accurately diagnosed my migraine. I was speechless when he asked me about my migraine. How did he know by just looking at my palm? My migraine got more serious after my 2nd delivery. I had it every month without fail and it can last 2 whole days if i don't take Panadols. He prescribed some supplements and i bought 2 bottles. Hopefully, my migraine can get better  ^^

Big Ray at the entrance of Tong Ren Tang

Little Jay feeling cheeky

Next, we went to the Shanghai World Financial Center Observatory (SWFC). It is the tallest skyscraper in China overtaking Jin Mao Tower. The building consist of observatory decks, offices, hotel, conference halls and a shopping mall. We were excited to go up to the observatory deck - the view must be great. However, luck was not on our side, it is so cloudy that we only see a sea of clouds most of the time.

The girls waiting at the entrance of SWFC

The observatory deck of SWFC

Little Jay standing next to a glass panel on the floor

 Photo of Jin Mao Tower taken from the observatory deck

Big Ray & the clouds (all the views had been blocked)

A little view as the clouds flew by

Here comes the clouds again...

Jin Mao Tower

Snapshot taken while in the bus - a rainy day

Xintiandi (New Heaven & Earth) is our next destination following our lunch. It is an affluent shopping, dining and entertainment place. The stuffs here are quite expensive though - a cup of coffee may cost you about RMB80. But i really like the designs of this place - stone houses, narrow alleys, it's kind like western and orient combined together. Unlike other shopping streets which are loud and noisy, here it is actually quite quiet ( no loud music) and romantic haha.. i do feel that way. Below are some snapshots.

Big Ray fell asleep so we wrap her up cause its so cold...

After Xintiandi, we went to People Square - the site of Shanghai Municipal Government offices. Nothing much to do here, there's a museum where you can visit, or just stroll at the park. We took some pictures and got back to the bus cause we are all freezing in and out.

Some buildings nearby

Big Ray and the Shanghai Museum

Buildings nearby

Later, we went to watch an acrobatic show after our dinner. The show was great. Big Ray enjoys it the most. She kept on calling " Mommy,mommy, see the (jie jie / gor gor)". She was really excited.
On the other hand, Little Jay is being temperamental during the whole show. She's feeling sleepy and tired but she just can't sleep so Mommy had to coaxed her with sweets in order to keep her quiet. Yeah, i know that's bad...but...

Day 6 (25.03.2013) Shanghai ~ Hangzhou

View from our hotel room

The sisters posing with an elephant statue at the hotel

We are leaving Shanghai for Hangzhou, our last city for this trip.

The roads in Shanghai are  like a maze to me

A view from the bus

En route to Hangzhou, we stop by FengJing Ancient Town in southwest Shanghai. This is a water town as well like Wuzhen but is more merrier. You can see more local people doing their business and carrying their daily activities. It is a charming town too, i'm captivated by the beauty of the old buildings, stone bridges, river, trees, flowers,scenery and everything.

Little Jay feeling moody

I'm so cold...

The flowers brighten my day

These are water wells

A shop selling dumplings - they taste good too!

Guess what's this? It's a laptop table made from bamboo.

Other bamboo products that the shop is selling

Narrow streets around Fengjing town
One of the attractions in FengJing Town is Ding Cong Comic Museum. Ding Cong is a famous cartoonist in China. You can read about him in the Foreword photo below. The museum is quite isolated from the main street - you have to walk through a narrow lane to reach it. You'll be greet by a giant Gingko tree at the entrance (the tree is 400 years old!).

The 400 year old Gingko tree

A short foreword about Ding Cong

A sculpture of Ding Cong

Art Works of Ding Cong

Items that Ding Cong used in his early days of living & studying

The narrow lane that leads to the museum - see the gingko tree?

The signboard of Ding Cong Museum - you wouldn't want to miss this.

Other snapshots of FengJing Town.

Grandma & Little Jay on a boat ride

I bought a cotton candy for both girls to try. They haven't see one before. Big Ray was amazed by it - such a big candy. She didn't know what it was at first and i have to tell her to 'bite it'. Little Jay kept tailing her sister to get a bite after i let her try some - so cute.

Cotton candy

What do i do with this mom?

Yum Yum...

Former Site of The Peoples Commune is another attractions in FengJing. It brings back the memories of cultural revolution times during Mao Tse Tung era. Here, you can find old furniture and offices display, statue, underground tunnels, a fighter jet and anti aircraft gun.

This white building houses the underground tunnels entrance

The fighter jet

Sis, you know how to drive this thing?

What about this plane? We can go travelling

When we arrived in Hangzhou, we were brought to Xihu Lake. This is the most beautiful lake i have ever see. Many people were seen strolling around, especially couples. There are people who dance & sings and also draws. There are also many bicycles for rent to cycle around but it was too expensive so we did not rent any. Anyway, just by sitting there and admiring the beauty of this lake is enough to past your time away - so relaxing.

The lady in black is dancing gracefully to the song sung by the lady in white cap

Ducks swimming around

Big Ray having a closer look at the ducks

Beautiful sunset

Water Art - a Goat

Water Art - a Horse

Water Art - a Dragon

Water Art - a Rabbit

The sifu of Water Art - this man draws his artwork on the floor with a brush and plain water

Shanghai 2013 - Day 1 & Day 2
Shanghai 2013 - Day 3 & Day 4
Shanghai 2013 - Day 7 & Day 8