Tuesday 16 April 2013

Shanghai 2013 ~ Day 7 & Day 8

Day 7 (26.03.2013) Hangzhou

It's cruising the Xihu Lake again this morning. This time, we are dropped off at another side of the lake and visited the Flower Harbor Park (Huagang Guanyu). The main attractions here are viewing the carp fish and a stone inscriptions by Emperor Kang Xi which reads 'Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor'. Apparently, the Chinese character 'fish' word had one stroke "less". There's a story to it but i don't quite remember it. Oh, forget the story, just enjoy the beauty of the park and all those lush greenery.

Did you spot the 'Fish' word?

Next on the list is a tea house selling Long Jing tea.  Hangzhou is famous for this low-land tea. The tea leaves are planted on lower land and not highlands as for other tea leaves. It is said that drinking too much tea from the highlands can be too 'cooling' to the body. But Long Jing is from lower land thus, even with everyday consumption, it will not be too cooling. Long Jing tea is the most well known tea produced in China - they are said to contain the highest concentrations of polyphenols  among all teas.

Long Jing Tea Plantation

Big Ray at the restaurant - Nice drawing

The last place in our itinerary - Hefang Street. Another street that sells locals snacks, handicrafts, souvenirs etc. Snapshots below  :)

Hefang Street

I guess this would be a restaurant?

Big Ray sitting on a bronze chair

Big Ray with the Happy Buddha

Well, as it was still very early our tour guide cum bus driver -  Li Sifu brought us to another park nearby the restaurant where we are going to have our dinner. So we spend some time 'lepaking' around but could not last long because most of us are turning into 'ais krim potong' (popsicle). In the end, we got back to the bus and had our dinner at 5pm. Nevertheless, my sister got to snap some nice pictures.

Little Jay having her supper back at the hotel

Day 8 (27.03.2013) Hangzhou ~ KL

Time flies. It's the day for us to go home. Guess what i saw early in the morning? A lorry ferrying loads of  'piggies'. I don't see that back home.

Piggies on the ride

And these houses, according to Li Sifu, the people here are mostly farmers and quite rich too so they actually build their own house. Each block belongs to a family - that's means 3 or 4 people staying in a 3 storey house! ( China still practice the 1 child policy - the most they have 2 child)

Pretty little canola flowers along the highways

At the Hangzhou International Airport.

Some snapshots taken from the plane.

Bye Bye China!
It was a nice and memorable trip especially with my 2 girls around. They do have me screaming my head out sometimes but also gave me lots of laughter and happiness. And what do i miss the most from this trip? The flowers!

Hope to see them again in the future. Ciao!

Shanghai 2013 - Day 1 & Day 2
Shanghai 2013 - Day 3 & Day 4
Shanghai 2013 - Day 5 & Day 6

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