Friday 28 December 2012

Bus Ride

My gals have not been for a bus ride before, so we planned to do it during the holiday. Well, as we know they will get restless after some time, we just went for a short ride to one of the shopping malls nearby. Little Jay was bored at first but after some time she got to her usual self and started to climb around. Big Sis Ray on the other hand was enjoying the view and keep on asking us to get down at every stop! =)

We managed to snap some photos at the mall :D

Tuesday 18 December 2012

alphabet magnets

Made these felt alphabet magnets for my 2 year old. Thought it would be fun for her to learn alphabets. Well, they end up scattered everywhere... and mommy busy searching high & low to keep track of all 26 alphabets !

Thursday 6 December 2012

Owl Couple Plush

I've seen loads of owl plushie on the web from different crafters and they are so cute & adorable ! Who wouldn't love them ?

Initially, i thought of making one but after going through my stash of fabrics, i make two - a couple owl... =) i think they are a sweet birdie couple... The fabric set was bought about a year ago..yup, i had this little craze for fabric then (now too) even though i don't really know how to sew. So i eventually bought quite some fabrics (small set pieces) and kept them .... till i figure out someday what to do with them. Finally, i'm sewing something out of my stash.. yippie!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Cameron Highlands Trip

Well, this post should be here 2 months back, but ... ( let's not go to the excuses part )
I brought my daughters to Cameron Highlands for a 2 day 1 night trip with my mom, sis & cousins. Since the weather is quite cold, I decided to sew a cozy scarf and hat for my two babes..hehe :)

This is what i bought from Daiso (i love that shop so much that being in there just make me feel happy) - Puffy Pants & Hand Warmer. I bought 2 sets of puffy hand warmer and a pair of puffy pants. For the scarf, all you need to do is sew the ends together so you'll get a scarf that is just nice for a toddler and baby. While for the hat, i cut the puffy pants in half and sew a somewhat curve line (as indicated by the Purple color dotted line) both sides and you'll get 2 hats. The puffy materials is very stretchable and soft and the best thing is it helps to hide all the imperfections of my sewing (hehe =P ) I also bought a bunny applique for the scarf and added flower to the hat. That's all, isn't it simple.

Check out the photos below of my daughters wearing the cozy scarf & hat. (I apologized for the image's hard taking picture of them cause they are constantly moving around.)

Friday 2 November 2012

Passion Fruit

Yeay! we've got a fruit! =)  My mum planted this passion fruit tree a year ago and we were all waiting anxiously for it to bear fruits. She got the sapling from my aunt and her tree was bearing so much fruits. We waited and waited and waited but no fruit was found, guess we don't have 'green fingers' after all. It came as a surprise to us as we were clearing away the dried leaves, we found this fruit hidden by the leaves! Finally, we saw the tree bearing fruit.

Now, there are many flowers blooming around...hoping to get some bees and more passion fruits please. =)

Saturday 20 October 2012

Felt Book 2012

Well, it has been quite some time since i last update my blog. (the lazy bug had bitten me... hehe..) So here it is, just a quick update.

Last year i make this felt book for my elder daughter, and yes, it still sits nicely on the bookshelf. One of the longest surviving book that she had without a tear (except for some fluffiness on the cover).

This year i made another one for my youngest daughter. There's a little change in the pattern.
I stitched both sides of the pages so it open up as a long book. Now, she's dragging the book from one place to another, squeezing and sometimes biting it too. Hope that this book will last for sometime after being subject to all the "abuses"  >-<

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Birdie HDD Cover

After seeing the Totoro IPad Cover, my sister asked for a hard disk drive cover.
And after some browsing, i decided on this birdie pattern felt cover with a pocket
for the cable at the back portion.
Whew...another successful project for the beginner sewer me. I think I am starting
 to get bitten by the sewing bug. Oouch!

Sunday 29 July 2012

Needle Felting Bear

I came across an article on needle felting sometime ago. The picture published was way to cute and without hesitating, I order a DIY bear kit to try my hand on it.

Well, it is said that all you need to do is to keep on poking on a ball of special wool to shape the figurines that you like. So I'm set to poke my way through thick and thin to shape the bear out of the ball of wool. Hubby did asked me to be careful with the needle (coz it was big indeed) and curious on what i'm up too. i just told him to not bother as i myself doesn't know the fate of this ball of wool. Will it be transform into a bear? or be a clump of smaller wool ball?

And so after days & days of poking (yup, my projects usually takes a longer time due to interventions from my 2 little "lady boss" who demand to be feed, bath, play & etc. )I've finally completed my DIY Needle felting Bear Brooch.

The result are not that bad - you can see that it's a bear right?

Verdict: the whole process are fun and easy - you just need a needle to poke, poke & poke but do becareful of poking yourself. Anyone interested on this craft please do drop by Nekomeow's site.
Her creations are superbly cute and she sells DIY kit and other needle felting supplies. Good Luck!

Sunday 24 June 2012

Totoro Felt Ipad Cover

Tadaa... this is my favorite handmade item that i've made so far - my Totoro Felt Ipad Cover.
Get the idea from this Totoro picture

and after a few days of measuring, cutting and stitching... it's finally done!
Just love it! Hubby also compliment -"it's so cute".
Happy, happy happy ... =D

Felt Applique Onesie

Another felt applique project. Feeling bored with this plain onesie and thus mommy add some flowers and a little bee to it. More colourful and bright. it's a sunny sunny day :)

Friday 25 May 2012

Ribbon Flower Headband

This flower i actually saw the tutorials on TV. They use zipper to create a flower brooch. Love it and i make one using ribbon as the material is softer and no metal zipper part that may hurt baby's head. the result is not too bad but the flower seem to be a bit too big for her little head then haha...

felt book cover

I saw lots of book cover while blog-walking and feel like making one for myself;
and there i went going through the craft e-books & tutorials before landing my self
on this easy felt book cover project (hehehe...beginner level)
First get my 'favourite book' then wrap the felt around it to get the measurement.
Next, copy the bear pattern onto the felt & cut, cut, cut all the felt pieces.
Finally stitch them up.
Tadaa! my "bear Bear" felt book cover is done. Then show it to hubby hoping
to get some compliment - it's cute. Well, well, happy me offer to make him one too.There i go again repeating the whole process but this time with a different design & an airplane bookmark attached. I show it to hubby his new book 'cover' and the compliment this time - Nice, er..but a bit kiddo.
My reply- You are a Big Kid. Smile.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Quilled Paper Earrings

I have pick up a new craft recently which is Paper Quilling.
Saw it on the web and went to attend one class. I've never thought
that one can make so many pretty things with just strips of
colour paper - cards, accessories, tag etc...
It really fascinates me to see so many cute creations coming to life
by rolling strips of colour paper. However, it is not so easy to quill
these paper (for myself). I seem to be either using too much force 
or not enough of it and thus the shape often 'giveway'.
(As can be seen in the blue square earing - Failed ! )

So, i ended up doing the "tight roll" which i'm more capable of and
make these ...


Well, i guess my first try seem okay... Will try to improve myself when i have time!

For those interested, can check out this two sites which i bought my materials  
from and also get some ideas... =D    

Roll, roll, rollie Ball

Made this cute baby felt ball for my youngest daughter
to play with when she learns to crawl.
Hope she 'll love it. =)

Thursday 23 February 2012


a month had passed since i update my little blog...have been very tired with the "waking in the middle of the nite" of my elder daughter. Poor Daddy still have to go to work in the morning in Zombie trance..hehe.. Love you Daddy for putting up with your daughter's tantrum :D
with a toddler & baby around, we will be sleep deprived for some time more.. so let's SLEEP while we can :>  Muacks!

Saturday 7 January 2012

t-shirts, t-shirts ...

Hah, while going through my daughters little closet, sorting out those clothes that can't fit her anymore, mommy found some plain  white tees... Therefore, to make baby & grandma "po po" happy, mommy make this...

As you can only get "i luv mum or dad" t-shirts commercially, mommy sew one for baby to showcase her love for grandma "po po" who take care of her.. "Po Po" also very happy...hehe =D

Mommy also sew an angry bird version for a sleeveless t-shirt, well it's the most popular bird right now. And i really love it cause the angry bird sits right at her little tummy... so cute...=D

Charms for little ones...

I manage to sew a few charms for my little nieces. Hope they like it  =)
The mushroom & Domokun is my favourite..hehe