Thursday 28 February 2013

little zipper pouch

I haven't try sewing a zipper before and thought that it would be tough and troublesome. But i would like to try it someday, so i did some homework and go through a few tutorials and try this little zipper pouch. I'm so glad that it turn out well and the zipper wasn't so hard to sew after all. The purple colour felt pouch was for my elder daughter to play with. She loves to play with Daddy's wallet and Mommy's purse nowadays so i thought I'll get her one. She's happy with it =)

Below is one i tried sewing using scrap fabrics and i love it! I'm keeping this for myself and will be making more pouches. They are so handy and i have lots of things to keep with them.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

CNY Blooms

My previous post was about flowers... and so was this one! I've decided to make a bouquet of little flowers using the ideas I saw on Facebook sometime ago.

Aren't they sweet? It is simple to make as well.
First of all, gather the materials. I searched around my house and found these:

1. Felt according to your colour choices
2. Cotton Twine
3. Steel Pin with Pearl
4. Plastic Container
5. A ball of fiber stuffing - i found a softball that fits perfectly :)
6. Matching threads, Sewing needle, Craft Glue (picture not shown)

To make the "vase" wrap the cotton twine around the plastic container using craft glue. Do Not leave the container up while wrapping. You don't want the cotton twine to come off at the bottom as you press them down firmly during the wrapping process. It may feels messy at first but don't worry, you'll get the hang of it after a few rounds. Below is the picture of how i did mine.

As for the flowers, i did mine using a 20 cents coin as my template. Each flower will need 4 frilly circles and 1 plain circle. To get the frilly circle, just draw some frills around the circle  and cut accordingly. Then take the first frilly circle and fold them in half and half again. Place them on the plain circle and sew a few stitches. Repeat with the other 3 frilly circles. Add a few more stitches to secure it and knot it underneath. Voila, you'll get a cute little flower. 
Next,push a pin through the middle of the flower and you are ready to arrange your flower on the fiber stuffing. I added 2 leaves (just to inject some green into it) which is very simple too. Cut a larger and a slightly smaller leaves and sew them to the back of your flower. Or you can pin it like your flower too. Hope the pictures helps.

Well, that's just about it. Pretty easy right except the cutting part..hehehe
Anyhow, I'm happy with the results. Maybe I'll do some other flowers next time. For the time being, this will seat  nicely in my living room. Happy Chinese New Year everyone!