Sunday 29 July 2012

Needle Felting Bear

I came across an article on needle felting sometime ago. The picture published was way to cute and without hesitating, I order a DIY bear kit to try my hand on it.

Well, it is said that all you need to do is to keep on poking on a ball of special wool to shape the figurines that you like. So I'm set to poke my way through thick and thin to shape the bear out of the ball of wool. Hubby did asked me to be careful with the needle (coz it was big indeed) and curious on what i'm up too. i just told him to not bother as i myself doesn't know the fate of this ball of wool. Will it be transform into a bear? or be a clump of smaller wool ball?

And so after days & days of poking (yup, my projects usually takes a longer time due to interventions from my 2 little "lady boss" who demand to be feed, bath, play & etc. )I've finally completed my DIY Needle felting Bear Brooch.

The result are not that bad - you can see that it's a bear right?

Verdict: the whole process are fun and easy - you just need a needle to poke, poke & poke but do becareful of poking yourself. Anyone interested on this craft please do drop by Nekomeow's site.
Her creations are superbly cute and she sells DIY kit and other needle felting supplies. Good Luck!