Thursday 19 April 2012

Quilled Paper Earrings

I have pick up a new craft recently which is Paper Quilling.
Saw it on the web and went to attend one class. I've never thought
that one can make so many pretty things with just strips of
colour paper - cards, accessories, tag etc...
It really fascinates me to see so many cute creations coming to life
by rolling strips of colour paper. However, it is not so easy to quill
these paper (for myself). I seem to be either using too much force 
or not enough of it and thus the shape often 'giveway'.
(As can be seen in the blue square earing - Failed ! )

So, i ended up doing the "tight roll" which i'm more capable of and
make these ...


Well, i guess my first try seem okay... Will try to improve myself when i have time!

For those interested, can check out this two sites which i bought my materials  
from and also get some ideas... =D    

Roll, roll, rollie Ball

Made this cute baby felt ball for my youngest daughter
to play with when she learns to crawl.
Hope she 'll love it. =)