Wednesday 14 December 2011

Baby's Book ^.^

My first try on stitching a felt book for my 1 year old. As usual, my baby loves to tear things up including some books i bought for her so mommy try her hand on hand sewing a cloth one and hopefully it will last long enough for her little sister as well. I will certainly sew more if times permit...

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Little Bear 2 & Booties...

I've made the 2nd little bear for my youngest baby daughter plus baby booties too..Though the result isn't very good but mama will keep on practicing and make more stuff for you gals. :) Love ya!

 this is the first pair that i tried making, using only felt

 and my second attempt which is slightly bigger &
i also add in the anti-slip cotton fabric as the base


 Jay Wong

It had been awhile since my last post... Busy coping with my 2nd little baby who is going to be 2 months old in a few days time. I had a hard time juggling with 2 babes initially but i'm coping well now..will be better soon..and thanks to my hubby who is always so patient with me when i release my "stress bomb", and my mom who had helped alot. (Glad that we are staying together =D )

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Hair clips for my little girl...

i've been making these lovely hair clips for my daughter and nieces..Plan to make more using a variety of colors so they can match with their clothes thus i'm constantly searching for materials to buy online.. ( my hubby is now worried that i'm addicted to online shopping..hehehe )
well, sometimes i did buy a little too much but i just can't resist those beautiful materials ( fabrics, ribbons,buttons etc...) i 'll will sew something out of them someday, i promise...

Thursday 11 August 2011

the little bear ...

this is the little bear that i made for my the template from
hehe, have been watching that show for some time since i stop working few months back and they have lots of crafts ideas. i'm going to make another little bear for my soon to be born baby daughter so each one will have one ^_^

Wednesday 10 August 2011

My daughter 1st Birthday!

Today is my little princess 1st Birthday... Happy Birthday Ray Wong!
It's hard to believe that my little baby had grown so much and is walking & climbing all around the house. You kept me busy the whole day...but your smile never fails to lighten me up every time. Mommy loves you ! =D